Monday, September 30, 2019

Netflix Business Model Analysis Essay

Netflix is an online subscription-based DVD rental service that promises to connect their customers to the movies and television shows they love through means of sending discs through the mail or streaming them directly via the internet. For only $7.99 per month, Netflix offers their customers unlimited access to their massive video library (>70,000 titles as of year-end 2006) and is able to deliver DVD’s by mail to over 90% of their nearly 7 million subscribers in only a single business day. There are many factors that go into how Netflix is able to generate profit with this business model. First and foremost, Netflix uses a subscription-based revenue model. This came about after adopting a more emergent business strategy to better adapt to feedback being provided by its customers. Netflix initially used a revenue model similar to that of the brick and mortar video rental stores with the thought that the convenience factor of having discs mailed directly to your home would outweigh the inconvenience of having to wait the extra time it took to ship the discs. In 1999, Netflix shifted to the, more simplified, subscription-based model which, in turn, increased the value proposition that Netflix was able to offer its customers. Another large consideration in generating profit is their partnerships with nearly all of the major movie studios that allows them to purchase DVD’s at a reduced up-front cost in return for a fee based on how often those discs are rented in a given time period. This, in conjunction with a good recommendation system that brings older titles to the forefront of customer’s minds and the Netflix subsidiary company, Red Envelope Entertainment allows Netflix to house a larger library of titles for a lower cost than its competition while satisfying the sizable niche market of individuals who are interested in renting titles that they have missed or re-renting titles they’ve already seen that most video stores could not.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Chinese Automobile Industry in Egypt Essay

Introduction There are many aspects regarding the Chinese automobile industry in Egypt regarding how it mirrors on customer satisfaction, despite common believes China has been producing cars before the Koreans for almost over 50 years. The very first Chinese car was a poor copy of what European, American and Japanese manufacturers produce. It wasn’t designed with the anxiety of comfort, security nor style; it was more like wheeled boxes made of light steel, with a primitive petrol engine. After 20 years, Chinese automobile industry has finally become one of largest market in automobile market. The major advantage that Chinese cars have is its low pricing compared to other cars from western auto giants such as Germany and France, which is a satisfactory advantage to most of the Egyptians. – Besides the fact that Chinese cars are of lower prices, there are other factors that consumers look for in a car; this research measures weather Chinese cars meets the customers perceived values of satisfaction regarding performance and design or not. Foreign car manufacturers may not think that china would create any threat to their automobile industry. However, the great prospective of the Chinese car maker cannot be taken lightly. It is the time for Chinese companies to support for more future challenges and take hold of a bigger share in the global market. Consumers in Egypt are very diverse; some base their perceptions regarding products on prior experience, delivering value expected and/or through overall performance. Those creates a huge conflict of interests between personal perceptions in the Egyptian market where some perceive Chinese cars as a low quality product with a cheap price tag, and others perceive them as economic high quality vehicles. – In 2004 China generated 5 million from car sales, coming third after America which generated 17 million and Japan with 5. 9 million. This shows that the Americans and the Japanese are considered to be of a high quality regarding safety, durability, resale price, and comfort which is what most Egyptian customers look for in a car. However, according to David Thomas [1] â€Å"China is going to become the second-largest market in the world sometime over the next two or three years,† [2] he also said â€Å"China is developing in very similar ways (to the developed markets), but doing it so much quicker,† [3] enunciating on the statement â€Å"so much quicker. †[4] Theoretical framework: 2. 1) Defining Customer satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is an evaluation of how goods and services provided by an organization to meet or to exceed the customer’s expectation and it may be measured directly by survey and expressed as a percentage. Customer satisfaction is a vague and conceptual, and the tangible appearance of the state of satisfaction will differ from individual to individual and good or service to good and service. In a competitive market, where companies compete for customers, customer satisfaction is perceived as a key differentiator and increasingly become a key element of business strategy now days. 2. 1. 1) variables effecting Customer satisfaction is:- There are various elements effecting customer satisfaction starting with product quality to after sales services. This requires the organization and even third-party service firms to work as a whole to ensure that the customers are getting what they want and more â€Å"serving the customer†. Customer Satisfaction has backgrounds in two ideas about quality; gap-based view of quality, which has to do with delighting the customers rather than just satisfying them, and conformance to a standard or specification, which has to do with minimize production errors and monitoring the quality of delivery. The best method is to take a section of customers and to try to ask them about their experiences over a certain period of time; however, this only shows the regular view and will oversight any key limits that are important from operational view. Understanding the link between consumer’s information search behavior and customer satisfaction shows a better over view of what should be done to meet what the customers want. Findings suggest that the three types of consumer as defined by whether and how they search for information (passive, rational-active, and relational-dependent). [5]. Each type of customer has a different way of perceiving satisfaction. – Customer satisfaction is a key element in competitive advantage since that a satisfied customer means: 1- Long-term relationship (repeat sale). 2- Good advertising (word of mouth). 3- Customer loyalty. 4- Obtaining new customers (followers). 5- Increase in market share. The relationship marketing is one of the most important tends in the marketing due to the importance of repeat business. Relationship marketing mainly focuses on developing trust and loyalty between the customer and the supplier. Establishing and maintaining loyal base of customers is a major key to a fast growing organization. – Customer satisfaction and attractiveness are linked together. In order to accomplish customer satisfaction accurately; some variables should be recognized. There are several factors that are applicable to automobiles by which consumers look for which, product quality, services, engine performance, design, and accessories. On the other hand, most customers are keen to buy a car including all these features with reasonable pricing. However, it’s difficult to obtain high quality with low price, as it’s said, â€Å"Better price for better quality† [6], which indicates that the more the customer pays, the higher the quality. Another variable hovering over customer satisfaction is customer’s retention. This aim is achieved when the customer is convinced with the performance of the car brand he chose to the point of repurchase. No business can exist without any customers and it’s important for the business to work closely with the customers to make sure that they are satisfied and their needs are met. Companies form a close working relation with their clients; so customer relation is important. Measuring the customer satisfaction is obviously to measure the quality and the performance of the good or service that the company provides. The objective is to determine how well the good or the service to achieves the purpose or the need for which it is purchased. Understanding, meeting, and exceeding customer expectations are fundamental in creating customer satisfaction. The customer relationship is a distinctive aspect of the relationship marketing. – Through analyzing several articles, we’ve found a relation between the customer satisfactions, needs and perceived value with the quality and price of the car’s characteristics, expectations and the company’s relationship value. There is a weak relation between all the independent variables, when the customer expectations are not met when buying a car with low prices. – Thus, it varies from a car’s characteristics to meet the customer’s needs but still with high or moderate prices, also, there is a strong relation between customers’ perceived value and the company’s s relationship value. Where, if the company wants their customers to remain satisfied, they must do a direct relation with them, for an example, making more events, doing the customer’s evaluation from time to time, and create a bond between the customer with hisher car, where heshe can appreciate more the price she/he paid, besides, the relationship between the company and the customers can be sometimes deceiving, where the customer can pay no attention to the bad characteristics or quality in hisher, just because of the great relation and its service quality of the company. The customer satisfaction is a very important element to have a successful business and in order to maintain that companies have to be able to cope with the change in the environment around its business, which has to do with understanding customer preferences. Also expanding the business won’t be attainable if you don’t have a satisfied customer base and that the company must be customer oriented instead of being manufacturing oriented. In the automobile industry the purchase intentions are moving towards cars which have a low gasoline consumption rate, so the industry must take the buyers behavior in consideration. – There are a lot of fields which create and retain customer satisfaction; in order to retain customer satisfaction all the products/services offered to the costumers should be matching the customers’ perceived value. – There are also factors that affect customer satisfaction such as the economic performance, for example when the financial crisis occurred, customers started focusing on products and alternatives to brands they used to purchase with lower prices. This economic draw back affected sellers’ attitudes pessimistically which reflected negatively their relationship with the consumers; however, there were sellers who were trying to grab customer’s attention through creating a strong relationship with them. – Another point to know the importance of the customer satisfaction to maintain business excellence, a seller who creates a good relationship with his consumers and offer them more than they expect is always a seller who maintains and sustains his business excellence, because the more the customer is satisfied the more he buys and create a positive word of mouth. 2. 2) Defining the product performance: Associating between the observed and currant performance of a product, and its predicted use and efficiency has generally been the known definition for customer satisfaction. Lately companies of different fields have learned and understood the importance of such matters due to the fierce competition. Consumers have grown to be more sophisticated, more skeptics and are constantly looking for the most efficient, and the most convenient products that would satisfy their needs and wants. 2. 2. 1) Variables affecting the car’s performance: There are several variables that affect the car’s performance, beginning with the car’s engine performance, which is the main image of the car that varies in the gas consumption, how much fuel did the engine burn? Also sometimes customers’ satisfaction relies on the speed of the car, and how far can it speed up in no time. Moreover, there are several variables that represent each other in a way that the car’s quality stands for its stability, durability, and the safety features. Which are the most important variables that can affect the customer’s satisfaction that every person is looking for safety that represent the stability and low possibility of any accident accuracy? Furthermore, the design of the car is related to the stability by which, the more aero-dynamic is the design the less air force that face the front of the car, that lead to a less fuel consumption, more stability, and of course more speed. Finally, the car accessories are sometimes very expensive that can cause a low customer satisfaction, and lack in buying the car. 2. 2. 2) Defining personal experience: – Experience is being an active participant in an event or an activity which leads to a growth in one’s skills or knowledge. Where the customer can perceive a certain product wither it’s going to meet or exceed his expectations or not, through the interaction with similar products or services. 2. 2. 3) Personal experiences related to the Chinese automobile industry: – When a consumer purchases any car, a certain image or knowledge goes through his mind. This image and knowledge becomes a standard for the consumer while comparing his/her car to any other alternative, because this is his/her experience with the product so in order for him/her to know what’s best and what’s worse he/she compares the alternative’s features to his/her own product’s features such as: performance of the engine, safety features, durability and stability, car quality, fuel consumption, accessories and design of the car. – Consumers differ in their way of thinking and the bases behind their decisions, that is why Chinese car manufacturers should put in mind that a consumer who buys their product is driven to this purchase through his/her perception, and because not every consumer has the same perception about Chinese cars, Chinese car manufacturers should build a positive and strong perception with the automobile consumers about their products, as a consumer maybe more interested in the car’s safety features rather than the price or cost efficiency and vice versa. 2. 3) factors affecting the overall customer satisfaction through cars performance: – Chinese automobile manufacturer should consider their image according to the consumer’s personal experience where the consumer perceive and compare the coming alternative with their own previous experiences related to the car they owned or would like to buy. – In order to meet the customer satisfaction, car makers should provide many researches on the need and wants of the customer by which every customers’ needs change in a certain period of time. – Customers have their own perception in each car brand and its performance, where customers’ needs vary from one to the other regarding the characteristics they look for in a car, thus car manufacturers provide several models in order to meet each segment’s needs. – As Chinese automobile industry has enlarged its market share all over the world, they should put in mind that consumer will always compare their products in order to make the purchase decision, that can always be affected by the performance of their previous car, where the Chinese automakers should exceed or meet the consumer’s expectation in order to start a preferable image and reputation especially when it comes to the quality and durability of their product as it’s known as a poor product in these terms particularly compared with their competitors. Conclusion: – Studies have shown that the relation between product performance and post experience has an effect on the overall satisfaction factors. This study will further more elaborate where the Chinese car manufacturers stand in the Egyptian market regarding all aspects of performance, image, and price. This research will also cross reference the Chinese automobile industry with other automobile industries. This will show if there is any positive or negative relationship between the customer satisfactions versus car performance and previous experience concerning the Chinese automobile industry.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Product Reaaessent Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Product Reaaessent - Research Paper Example Demand for bottled water continues to expand in global popularity; however, several restaurants, schools, natural food stores and municipalities in the United States have decided to consume tap water instead of packaged products. Bottled water marketers are striving to find out the contributing factors to this trend and institute appropriate mechanisms to regain the initial market share. Manufacturers pack bottled water in transparent plastic bottles. This water is used in schools, homes, restaurants and municipalities. The cost of bottled water varies between $500 and $1,000 per cubic meter in the United States (Worldwatch Institute, 2013). The demanders for this water include young, middle aged and the old aged people. Consumers hold a belief that these packaged products are cleaner, safer and more convenient than tap water. The estimated consumption of bottled water in the United States is 27.6 gallons per person (Worldwatch Institute, 2013). Marketers target 100% of the United St ates population since water is a basic need for survival. Reasons for Declining Demand for Bottled Water The economic status of consumers influences the demand decisions for bottled water. The price of tap water is $0.50 per cubic meter as compared to bottled water that ranges between $500 to 1,000 for the same quantity (Worldwatch Institute, 2013). ... the minority groups spend 1% of their income on bottled water as compared to stable citizens who spend only 0.4% of their income on this product (Gleick, 2011). The reason for this could be higher marginal propensities to save and invest that characterize the financially stable citizens than the minorities. The general trend for consumption of bottled water reveals that financially stable citizens buy bottled water because they can afford while the minorities are scared away due to unaffordable prices. The age and gender constituting the market share determines the number of consumers for bottled water. Young and females are more likely to drink bottled water than the aged and the males. Young people are susceptible to advertising and marketing promotions, which are the primary selling strategies used by the bottled water companies. This proportion of the population spends most of its time watching televisions programs and reading newspapers. The population of young people in the Uni ted States has decreased considerably over years. The high probability of female drinking bottled water is consistent with the previous study findings on gender differences on health risks associated with health and food (Gleick, 2011). The educated population of female spends less time on television due to commitments to work and family matters. The number of women watching television programs and reading newspapers has decreased, thus reducing people who access bottled water advertisements. Ethnic and regional backgrounds of consumers affect the consumption of bottled water. A research carried out in the year 2011 revealed that the residents of Midwest and West mountain areas are less likely to use bottled water either for purposes of primary drinking or special occasions (Gleick, 2011).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Bojangles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bojangles - Essay Example Here in this place, his tap lessons were learned and became 'Bojangles'. In this particular place, he learned the ways to earn a living through dancing and entertaining in local beer gardens, worked as bootblack and danced in public passing a hat around. Here in this place, he experienced maturity against life's challenges which gave him the courage to go and explore possibilities. At age 12, he left Richmond and rode a freight train to Washington, DC. Starting his journey of self-sufficiency as race track worker, Robinson took the road in hard work. After the first taste of professional show business gig in The South before the War and enlisting himself during World War I serving as the drum major of the 369th Infantry Regiment, the so-called "Harlem Hellfighters.", Robinson was determined to be a performer. This foot-work driven undaunted by the then racial discrimination managed to catch the limelight of entertainment amidst the world of white racial dominance in New York City. Among his achievements, he became George W. Cooper's foil, became solo performer and became famous for his debut tap stair dance. To become a show headliner, some of his gimmicks planned together with his manager Marty Forkins include setting a world's record in the backwards 75-yard dash (in 8.2 seconds) beating athletes and won sports world attention. He was offered Broadway shows and was able to enrapture the audience with his performance. Such kind of performance even made its way to New York's 1939 World's Fair. His entertainment skills also provided him the means to invade film industry with the movie phenomenon Shirley Temple. Having grown in poor conditions but managed to live decently, Robinson was able to earn his living using his talents of entertainment, a skill he learned in his childhood. Having known poverty, he was kind hearted and had lived generously both in spending, gambling and in charity works. He was known to donate in kind and in deeds to several organizations and foundations and also in Richmond. His gambling addiction and unsystematic charity works were said to drain his wealth such that he died poor despite of his million dollars earnings during his more than fifty-year show business career. His interests in this lavish spending and gambling episodes can be traced back to the time when he was just a boy earning his penny and spending his time in corner streets. Though a compulsive gambler, he did not drink. Robinson's tasteful dressing was also one of the most notable characteristic. In his sixties, Robinson was far from a kid who tap danced to earn pennies; he had achieved wealth and fame in a racist society. Instead of opting for retirement he continued to perform. He lived a principle of hardwork in his performances, "what success I achieved in the theater is due to the fact that I have always worked just as hard when there were ten people in the house as when there were thousands. Just as hard in Springfield, Illinois, as on Broadway" to quote him. The circumstance in which he was forced into retirement even culminates in his major benefit for the American Heart Association, held at the Copacabana, in New York City, a month before his seventieth birthday. After doing extra, more vigorous steps than the standard routine, he suffered a massive heart attack backstage.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hearing loss Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hearing loss - Research Paper Example This paper explores the causes of, and diagnosis and available treatment for hearing loss. The types of hearing loss and their impact on the well-being of persons with hearing impairment, as well as on the society, are highlighted. The cause of hearing loss or etiology can be readily apparent like an ear infection or amassing of ear wax in the external ear canal and can also be indefinite such as in the cases of non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss (Connelly, 2005). Generally, the major causes of hearing loss include excessive noise, ototoxic reaction to drugs, aging, genetic inheritance or birth defects, infections, and head or ear injury. Exposure to harmful noise causes damage to sensitive inner ear structures, called hair cells, leading to noised-induced hearing loss. Hair cells are small sensory cells that are responsible for the conversion of sounds into electrical signals, which are then sent to the brain for perception. Once damaged, hair cells can hardly grow back, making loss of hearing permanent. Both the decibel levels of and one’s distance to sounds are equally crucial in determining the potential risks for noise-induced hearing loss. Repeated exposure to sounds at or higher than 85 decibels can impair hearing while a one-time exposure to a much intense sound like explosion can result in hearing loss (NIDCD, 2008). Meanwhile, chemotherapy drugs and radiation employed for the treatment of childhood cancer induce damage to hearing. High doses of radiation may result in ear wax build-up or inflammation in the outer ear, stiffness of eardrum or middle ear bones, or fluid build-up in the middle ear, which can lead to hearing loss (Landier and Ruccione, 2008). Further, radiation can induce damage to the inner ear’s hair cells, resulting in a sensorineural hearing loss. Hearing loss due to viral and bacterial infections such as in syphilis, toxoplasmosis, mumps, bacterial

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Common Law of Landlord and Tenant Part I and Part II Essay

Common Law of Landlord and Tenant Part I and Part II - Essay Example The general expressed terms include provisions, such as the tenant will give up possession to the landlord when the lease expires, the landlord is entitled to re-entry in case a tenant does not give rental fee and the tenant has to renovate and ensure the property in good condition. The common law terms apply in case such express terms and statutory restrains are absent. In case an issue arises between the two parties, the court generally looks at the leasing agreement express terms. It is usually up to the common law to fill the gaps about the indirect provisions of a completed lease outside the legislative requirements, which govern the two parties. The Landlord has to include responsibilities within a leasing agreement and the terms are implied the property satisfies the business efficacy test (Liverpool City Council v Irwin 1977) Question 2 David has a license. The Residential Tenancies Act WA (1987) protects anyone who has a residential tenancy agreement and David would have had tenancy if he had not agreed to the written agreement of â€Å"license to occupy† from Gerald. ... The main variation between a tenant and a licensee lies in the fact that a tenant is exclusively entitled to reside in a premise whereas the licensee lacks. For instance, in the present case, David does not have exclusive rights to occupy the premises. Gerald has the right to move David’s business, he does not even have to give notice, and he can even evict him with a short period notice. Tenants have the rights as stipulated by the Residential Tenancies Act and from the Act tenants have greater legal rights than licensees. Question 3 Harold holds a tenancy of the unit. A tenancy is an implied or express (verbal or written) agreement, in which an individual (a property owner) grants to another personal for important consideration (for instance rent) the occupation right, whether absolutely or not or any part of the residential premises, or any residential premises, for the intention of residence. Ivan has granted Harold the right to occupy his property for a valuable considera tion –a license fee of ?100 a month. The Residential Tenancies Act section 6 on landlord duties in condition of premises allow Ivan to enter the unit to maintain the premises before it’s occupied by Harold. Nonetheless, the fact that Ivan’s employees enter the unit at any time to maintain equipment interferes with Harold enjoyment of the premises. The Residential Tenancies Act clearly states that a tenant has a right to undisturbed satisfaction of the property without the landlord’s or another person working for the landlord obstruction. The landlord should not cause any obstruction with the practical privacy or peace of the tenant while the tenant is using the premises. Ivan is supposed to give

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Breast Cancer Occurring during Pregnancy Research Paper

Breast Cancer Occurring during Pregnancy - Research Paper Example Women have a 12.67 % of developing breast cancer during their lifetime. ( National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program Cancer Statistics Review rates from 2001 to 2003.) According to Loibl S, von Minckwitz G, Gwyn K, et al. (2006) the condition will occur in one in 3000 pregnancies. Despite this, there have been few recent studies on the subject, especially those seeking to look for the histopathologic and immunohistochemical features which are combined in breast carcinomas in these patients, possibly because of the comparative rarity of the condition. Pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC), often referred to as gestational breast cancer; can be defined as any cancer of the breast diagnosed during pregnancy and up to one year postpartum including lactation (Molchovsky & Madarnas, 2008). However, there is considerable variation among authors, with defined postpartum periods ranging from 6 months to 2 years. (Psyrri & Burtness, 2005). Another idea is that PABC can be defined as occurring during pregnancy and until lactation ceases. PABC is the second most common malignancy in women, after cervical carcinoma, and occurs in 1 in 3000 pregnancies (Pavilidis & Pentharoudakis, 2005). A mother is already facing the huge changes that come with a new child and when breast cancer is diagnosed concurrently with pregnancy and lactation this becomes a very challenging situation for the patient, physically but also psychologically and socially, as well as her family, physicians, and other health care providers. Treatment options, either local or systemic, are limited by concerns about possibly harming the fetus, and are also conditioned by the gestational length of the pregnancy.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Corporate and Global Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Corporate and Global Strategy - Essay Example Such organizations bring out the best in people. Some people research on an organization’s culture before they job-hop, so that they know whether they will be able to gel in the organization. It would be very practical to perceive leaders as both architects and products of an organization. This is because a good organization develops the leader and a good leader develops the organization. Even individuals, who are effective in one team, might not be effective in another or fail to make a substantial contribution. An organization is an artificial person and has an identity. This identity is given to the organization by its leaders and employees. Besides that, leaders also impact how the organization interprets its surroundings and what are its values, which relationships are important, which feedback matters and what information is available etc. The organization’s norms and boundaries shape leader’s behavior and view. Even after joining a new job, an employee obs erves the things that are important to his boss or CEO to determine the organization’s value system and expected employee behavior. Organizations that have established an identity for themselves stand a better chance of experiencing cooperation. This in turn leads to goal alignment and overall performance tends to show an upward-moving trend. Collective identity is more important from an organization’s point of view because it creates a sense of commitment to the organization, enriches the organizational culture and augments cooperation. Leaders shape culture through modeling, teaching and coaching (Northern Leadership Academy, 2012). Influential leaders also affect ethical behavior of the organization as a whole and this can be better understood through the A-B-C model (where A is the ethical lapse, B is the leader’s behavior as a response to this lapse and C is the result of the leader’s behavior). An organization’s ethical behavior and moral con duct is either weakened or strengthened by the conduct of its leaders. Take the case of an accounting clerk who manipulates results to conceal errors; if the leader does not take any effective action against number manipulation then the practice of manipulating figures to cover up errors is strengthened in the organization. Similarly if one employee bullies another and the leader takes serious action against it, then the tendency to bully is greatly weakened in the organization. For instance, leaders who are morally correct will not bend the rules in any case and voice their resentment in case of an ethical lapse. However there are some leaders who are indifferent to an ethical lapse and let unethical things happen in front of them. The character of the leader builds the character of the organization. So a leader’s behavior shapes the organization’s future behavior. Where it is true that a leader has the capacity to influence the organizational behavior, it is also imp ortant to note that a leader also has to come up with ways to shape organizational behavior favorably. If a leader wants to bring about a change, he has to mold himself for the change first and then expect the whole organization to follow his footprints. Changing one’s behavior for the organization is not easy as it requires a lot of loyalty and responsibility on the part of the leader. A good leader will always place the organization’s interest above his self-interest. He is not reactive but instead proactive. He nibs the evil in the bud by clearly informing employees which unethical

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Leading speaker Essay Example for Free

Leading speaker Essay Although newborns can detect and orient toward laterally presented sound soon after birth, motor behaviour eliciting procedures should take into consideration the immaturity of the cortical structures of the auditory system, which is believed to be involved in complex temporal processing. For instance, Clifton et al 46 tested the â€Å"precedence effect† phenomenon on newborns, in which a sound is presented from two loudspeakers located in opposite sides of the infant and one speaker is leading the other by a few milliseconds, normally listener locate the sound of the leading speaker. Clifton et al 46 proved that newborn babies were not responsive to the â€Å"precedence effect† as to single source stimuli. This inability seems to improve as the infants get older, so by 24 weeks of age infants were found to orient reliably to both precedence effect and a single source stimuli. 57 In addition to the lack of ability to orient to precedence effect, newborns also showed irresponsiveness to brief sounds i. e. 500 msec and below. 55 Using acoustic stimulation to promote movements has also been documented in the literature. Presenting auditory stimulus in the form of either bell sound or speech by female voice was found to increase the general body movement of newborn babies of 1 to 5 days compared to the effect of pure tone 69. Four to 12 months old infants were found to be more interested in manipulating objects with sound when compared to the same objects with no sound68. Older infants have been found to use auditory and proprioceptive information to guide their reaching behaviour in the dark and they manage to do that fairly well 64-67 . Although the reaches were found to be successful in 70% 66 to 77% 64 of the trials, Perris and Clifton 64 found that the chances of eliciting or promoting reaching movement increase if there was prior motor engagement i. e. manipulation of the sounding object, and /or prior visual experience. At the time of birth the sense of vision is the least developed sense compared to other senses. Anatomical data shows that newborn’s peripheral vision is more mature than the central vision 70 . Using preferential looking to evaluate the human monocular visual acuity in the first three months of life, Courage et al 71 found that central as well as peripheral visual acuity are poor in the first month of life. At birth visual acuity was found to be around 20% of adult visual acuity 72 . A retinoscopic study estimated the focal distance of newborns when fixating an object is around 9 inches 73 . Finally, some behavioural studies found that newborns are able to detect stimuli presented in their peripheral visual field as far as 30-35 ° 74, 75, 76 from midline. Their ability to discriminate objects in the peripheral visual fields is not developed until around the 4 month after birth 77. Although newborns have not developed mature vision, several behavioural studies showed that newborn babies have the ability to process some visual information and use it to initiate motor behaviours. For instance, from the first days of their lives, newborn infants are capable of imitating simple motor actions such as opening and closing the mouth, tongue protrusion, opening and closing of the hand, and index finger movement 78-82 . Imitation of facial gestures has also been observed in babies as young as 45 minutes old 83-84. Recently Nagy et al raised the possibility of the presence of cortical mirror neuron system that may contribute to the emergence of early imitation in newborns 78. Several behavioural studies found that newborn infants are not just able to perform simple motor acts but also able to initiate motor behaviours that are voluntary, controlled and resemble reaching movement. Bower et al 89 and McDonnel 90 found that when newborn infants were presented with an object in 5 different positions, infants changed the direction of their reach to match the direction of the presented object. Bower et al 89 found that 70% of their reaches were within 5 ° and approximately 1. 5 cm of the object. Their reaches were not just considered oriented but also intentional because when they were presented with a virtual rather than a real object they became frustrated. Furthermore, van der Meer, et al 91-92 have found that newborn infants can deliberately adjust their arm movement to correct for a force applied to it, but only if they can see their arm either directly or through a monitor 91-92 . In a further study, van der Meer 93 also showed that neonates have the ability to change direction and control the velocity and deceleration of their arm to put the hand within a 7 cm cross light beam 93 . Interestingly, they noticed that approximately 74% of newborns decelerated the movement of the arm before entering the light, which provided an indication of expectation of light and thus further evidence of an ability to control the arm movement.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Value of Doubt through O’Brien’s “On the Rainy River” Essay Example for Free

The Value of Doubt through O’Brien’s â€Å"On the Rainy River† Essay People value being certain as it gives them a sense of stability, self-reliance and control. Being certain gives one the power to be able to confidently assert beliefs or claims and act upon them. Descartes says as seen in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2005), â€Å"As my certainty increases, my doubt decreases, conversely, as my doubt increases, my certainty decreases. † Doubting threatens the stability and assurance one initially possesses, which is why it is less frequently valued or appreciated. However there is value in doubt, because through doubt, a person undergoes contemplation that may influence a decision or disposition, eventually evaluating the certainty of something. As a consequence the actions of the person toward this certainty may be compromised. This is exemplified in Tim O’Brien’s short story entitled â€Å"On the Rainy River†. The short story â€Å"On the Rainy River† chronicles the events of O’Brien’s life after he has successfully finished his studies at Macalaster College. During his stay in school, he was an achiever. It was the time of the Vietnam War and he then learns that he was being requested to go to battle. Undecided as to whether he should fight or not, he chose to stay and work in a factory but eventually realized that he could not find a way out of fighting. Unable to handle his situation anymore he fled to the Canadian boundary. There he met and spent time with the fishing resort owner Elroy Berdahl. O’Brien contemplated on the events of his life, especially during the fishing trip where he was faced with the option of going to Canada or going off to war. In the end, O’Brien chose to go return to his hometown and eventually decided to fight in the Vietnam War (Sparknotes, 2006). From the summary above, it can be seen that O’Brien doubted joining the war. This doubt that O’Brien felt was a huge contrast to the certainty he had when he was in Macalaster College. In the institution he was an honors student and represented the student body, making him strong and secure about himself, his ideas and his values. One example of this is his stand against war (Sparknotes, 2006). Once he received news of going to war, his initial reaction was to stand by his conviction. However, the notice fueled his thoughts about going to war. He started to contemplate and think about whether he is fit to be a combatant. People making him feel that he had to go to war further aggravated his hesitation. He also realized that it would be hard for him to find an excuse or a way out of combat. Doubting showed his struggle of letting go of what he was certain about, which was not to go to war. Because of internal and external influences that fed his doubt, his certainty on denouncing war diminished and he was unable to handle the burden and decided to run away. However, by leaving and meeting Elroy, he was also able to reflect upon the consequences of going and not going to war. He finally decides that he could not bear the thought of disappointing people he knew, especially his family. This shows the value of doubt because had he not questioned his stand, he would have not considered weighing what was more important to him at that point in his life. As he looked back, whether he was ashamed of his decision or not is not the main point. What is to be stressed is that his doubt was able to question his certainty and it made him act towards this as seen by his decision in the end to join the army. In conclusion, the value of doubt can be seen in the text as it shows how O’Brien’s outlook on participating in the war was affected. First, doubting allowed him to contemplate and reflect on something that he used to be certain about. Second, doubt contributed to changing his conviction, as after much contemplation, he could not bear the embarrassment of not going to war that led him to fight. Doubt is valuable because it has the power to challenge something that one considers as certain, and allows that person to take action. References Sparknotes. (2006). The things they carried study guide: â€Å"On the rainy river†. Retrieved October 24, 2007 from: http://www. sparknotes. com/lit/thingscarried/section4. rhtml Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2005). Descartes’ epistemology. Retrieved October 24, 2007 from: http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/descartes-epistemology/

Friday, September 20, 2019

Pre Listening Stage English Listening Teaching

Pre Listening Stage English Listening Teaching Language can be recognized as a media of communication, rather than the simple complex of sound, vocabulary and grammar. English language teaching (ELT), therefore, has long been conducted through reading, listening as receptive skills and speaking, writing as productive skills in communication. Among all the factors, listening is an essential section of language competence and it indicates the comprehending of spoken language. During the process, listening input is usually accompanied with other sounds and sometimes with visual input (Lynch Mendelsohn, 2002). In making sense of the listening contents, the context of the communication happens in and listeners relevant prior knowledge is vital (ibid). However, as many linguists reviewed, listening has long been neglected until the early 1970s (Morley, 2001; Brown, 1987; Rivers, 1966). It is only since then that listening attracts more interests from linguists and researchers. Therefore, as it is far less studied than other fundamental skills, listening needs more research and is worth to be emphasized in ELT. II. An Overview of a Listening Lesson In the contemporary English language teaching and research, listening is becoming more and more important. Some researchers advocate and encourage teachers to apply listening strategies in classroom teaching and guide students to listen (Mendelsohn, 1994; Field, 1998). Listening approaches are also suggested and experienced. Harmer (1987) reviewed some basic principles of receptive skills and stated that, learners read and listen to language with purpose, desire and expectations. He further pointed out that, a lead-in stage can create expectations and arouse the students motivation in the following listening contents. Field (1998) proposed a diagnostic approach which involves pre-listening, listening and post-listening in a listening class. He asserts that the approach can check and adjust students listening skills through short micro-listening exercises. According to the introduction given by Hedge (2000), the process of listening class can be divided into three stages, pre-listenin g stage, while-listening stage and post-listening stage. 1. Pre-listening Stage It is commonly recognized that pre-listening is a preparation of the listening class. In this stage, teachers tend to arouse learners expectation and interest of the language text they are going to listen. They can also motivate learners by providing background knowledge of the text; organizing learners to discuss a picture or a related topic which involves in the text; asking some related questions to the text, and etc. In general, pre-listening plays a role of warming-up and the main aim of this stage is to make learners focus their attention on the following while-listening stage and decrease the difficulties of the text. It is more important in its relating to and being of help to many other aspects which will be represented later. 2. While-listening Stage While-listening is the main procedure of listening information input. In this stage, learners are given some audio materials for listening. Learners may be requested to deal with some questions with the listening materials, such as Yes/No questions, Cloze, True/False questions and etc. Usually learners need to answer the questions simultaneously or take note of some main points of the listening materials. Teachers, as a guide during this process take control of the speed of the materials, start or pause of the machine and raise some questions for discussions or give necessary explanations to help the learner comprehend the materials. Depending on the learners language level and the difficulty level of the materials, teachers can decide the times of presenting the listening materials. The purpose of while-listening is to provide the learners with audio material input with exercises and therefore promote the learners listening competence. 3. Post-listening Stage Post-listening is also an important stage as it reviews and checks the listening efficiency and result. During this stage, teachers are not only supposed to check the answers, they also need to lead the learners to consolidate the comprehension of the listening input. They can organize further discussions on the listening text, explain some new terms and phrases, summing up appeared language rules and designing some related exercise for the learners to strengthen their impression about the knowledge. In addition, giving a dictation on a summary of the text may check all the different language points and learners mastery of knowledge. Via the first two stages, learners have received many comprehensible input, thus, the purpose of post-listening is to transfer these input into intake. In another word, the stage of post-listening can be considered as a transformation of language knowledge to language competence in listening teaching section. III. The Essentiality of Pre-listening in a Listening Class Pre-listening, as the first stage of listening teaching, is long argued by linguists and teachers on its contexts and role in the listening teaching. For example, some researchers (Buck, 1991; Cohen, 1984) suggested arrange a question preview in pre-listening stage with the reason that it may guide the students attention in the right direction. On the contrary, others (Ur, 1984; Weir, 1993) argued that the question preview process may distract the learners from attending to the actual input. Hence, it is worthwhile to clarify the status of pre-listening in classroom teaching of listening. Before analyzing the role of pre-listening in the process of a listening class, it is useful to overview the difficulties in listening teaching initially so that the role of pre-listening stage can be further discussed. 1. The Difficulties in Teaching Listening Comparing to other language competence, such as reading and writing, listening has some specific features which could bring learners pressure and difficulty in dealing with it. They are concluded as follows (Lynch Mendelsohn, 2002; Thomson, 2005): High frequency in communication. Based on the investigation of Rivers and Temperley (1978), listening takes approximately 45% of the place in communication of an individuals daily life. Passivity. Apparently, listening is considered as a totally passive action in communication, though it is further regarded as an active process rather than its original passive role (Lynch Mendelsohn, 2002). Speediness and repeatlessness. Differ from reading, listening normally needs to process the information instantly and usually just once. It is not as flexible as in reading that readers can refer to the contents as many times as they like. Other widely-concerned aspects of natural characteristics. In the process of listening, many other aspects of language of knowledge are needed such as phonetic, vocabulary, grammar. Due to above features of listening, teaching listening was involved in an amount of difficulties. According to the introduction of Cherry (1957), in second and foreign language listening, most of the difficulties are caused by uncertainty which could present in the area of speech sounds and patterns, language and syntax, recognition of content and other influence of environment. The difficulties could show different representations in classroom teaching of listening: Learners could be anxious about a long text for the reason of lacking time to process information. Unfamiliar context and background could scare the learners and make them lose interests and patience. Learners may be influenced by new vocabularies, phonetic phenomenon, grammar structure and these affections could decrease their comprehension about the text. By giving a long audio material, learners could have difficulties to concentrate on the important information. There are also some other elements in the process of listening which could confuse the learners such as different accent, background noise and assimilation, etc. 2. The Functions of Pre-listening in a Listening Class As discussed above, pre-listening can be recognized as a stage of preparation and warming up of the whole process of listening. As some researchers (Rees,2002; Peachey,2002)review, there are a few of aims and types of pre-listening tasks that enable the learners deal with the following listening text smoothly and strategically, such as to generate interest, build up confidence and facilitate comprehension. Following is the detailed discussions on the functions of pre-listening. (1) Motivating learners People believe Interest is the best teacher. To arouse students interests is one of the most important conditions for a teaching process. Only when the students are interested in the contents of teaching can the efficiency of teaching and learning be guaranteed. Therefore, the first role of pre-listening is motivating learners. Underwood (1989) summarizes a variety of ways of pre-listening work can be carried out during the classroom teaching. Some of them are suitable in motivating students: The teacher gives background information. Organizing the students to have a discussion about the topic or situation in the upcoming text. Showing a picture which is related to the content of the text. To make the listening task interesting, the teacher also can tell the beginning part of the text and provide with some questions as a guideline for the students to guess the end or take some keywords for brainstorming. (2) Activating current world knowledge and acquiring new knowledge The main purpose of listening is to teach the knowledge of language and help the learners to be competent in listening. Design some activities that can activate learners world knowledge will facilitate them behave better in the listening. Moreover, pre-listening can also play a role to input some new language knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary and meaningful to introduce or review the language knowledge in pre-listening session. There could be a number of ways to make this part meaningful, depends on the content of the text, the teacher can: List the new vocabularies and make sure the students know the meaning and the pronunciation of each one. Introduce some phonetics knowledge which could impact on comprehension, such as jointed sounds, lost sounds and etc. Review the complex grammar rules and introduce new sentence patterns if any. Introduce some language discourse knowledge briefly. (3) Setting context and predicting content Rees (2002) emphasized the importance of setting context for listeners in pre-listening session because even in exams learners have the chance to know a general idea of the listening materials. It will greatly help them to predict what they are going to learn. It will help learners to form expectancy of what they will listen and this is an important listening strategy for their future study. Listening is a difficult and complex section in language learning. Especially in foreign language teaching which has no language environment for practising, listening competence seems even harder to be developed. Thus, before presenting a long and horrible text, acquiring some listening techniques (for instance, concentrating on the stressed words, predicting the information, etc.) could be helpful for the students to deal with the task. (4) Checking the listening task To check with the learners if they have full understanding of the task is important in pre-listening. In this procedure, the teacher is recommended to set some tasks according to the content of the text for the students. They can also directly make sure with them in case misunderstanding happens and it may demotivate them. In the specific classroom activity, the task could be one or two simple questions which relate to the final or important point of the text. For example, if the main content of the text is concerned about competing for a job, the task could be Who got the job in the end, if it is about a process of making a manufactory, the task could be designed as How many procedures are needed to make xxx. IV. The Appropriate Length of Pre-listening By analyzing the role and functions of pre-listening, the essentiality of pre-listening stage is undoubted and it seems that it is worthwhile to spend much time and energy on this stage. However, the main process of listening class must be a fluent work. It does not make sense to spend too much time on pre-listening. The fundamental aim of pre-listening is to prepare learners behave better in while-listening. Actually, the length of pre-listening is not fixed in every listening class. As Rees (ibid) argues, pre-listening should take a fair proportion of a lesson but it usually depends on the teachers aim and the learners language level to decide how long it should take. Also, based on the different backgrounds of the texts (length, difficulty, genre, etc.) and the level of the learners (beginning, intermediate, advanced, etc.), the type and length of pre-listening can be various. For example, if the content of the text is easy to understand, teachers do not need to spend too much time on basic language knowledge teaching any more; if the students are advanced learners, it is unnecessary to spend much time on pre-listening part for the reason that they have already have enough language basis and may be confident in what they are going to listen. On the contrary, if the learners are at beginning level, the pre-listening part is supposed to be longer. In addition, a very short listening task can be prepared by simply presenting several sentences to clarify the situation of the listening or the necessary information in which the length of pre-listening can be very short. Therefore, pre-listening is rather flexible and the length can be based on the specific aim and situation. Via analyzing the role of pre-listening in a listening lesson and its relationship with the other two stages, it shows that well-arranged pre-listening activities are essential for listening comprehension. V. Conclusion Listening is an essential competence in language teaching and learning. On account of the features of listening teaching and the role of pre-listening stage, it is vital to design and arrange appropriate pre-listening activities in a listening lesson. A well-planned pre-listening activity could prepare the students to deal with the listening text smoothly. It is also helpful to build up students confidence and motivate them to listen. During the pre-listening process, teachers can take the opportunity to introduce world knowledge and related language knowledge related to the text. Moreover, it devotes to fulfill the whole process of a listening lesson in making the work more effective and efficient. However, even though pre-listening plays a significant role in the whole listening process, it does not mean that it needs to occupy too much time in the classroom teaching. The length of pre-listening part could be flexible in different circumstance. Based on the analysis of the features and aim of listening teaching and the role of pre-listening, while-listening and post-listening stage in a listening lesson respectively, a successful listening class is recommended to include following elements: The audio materials are appropriate for the learners in length, speed and difficulty. The students are well motivated before listening to the text. The aim and forms of the listening task is clarified to students. The length of each stage are well arranged and closely connected with each other. The old saying goes, Well begun is half done. As the warming-up of formal listening process, pre-listening should be well-organized and emphasized to play its role of stimulating students motivation and expectations for the text. Hence, more investigation should be focused on designing optimizing pre-listening activities in order to facilitate the listening teaching in ELT.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Frank Herbert and His Classic Novel, Dune Essay -- Frank Herbert Dune

Frank Herbert and His Classic Novel, Dune â€Å"A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct.† Princess Irulan speaks these words in the award-winning novel Dune (Novel). Frank Herbert knew this quote was true because he carefully planned his epic masterpiece before he started writing. The novel could only happen after research of a variety of topics. Dune has many different influences and origins. Frank Herbert’s complicated book, covering a variety of themes, took six years to complete (Wikipedia). Frank Herbert was born in Tacoma Washington on October 8, 1920. At an early age, he carried around books by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jules Verne, and H.G. Wells in a Boy Scout backpack. At the age of eight, he stood on the kitchen table and declared that he wanted to be an author. His maternal grandfather, John McCarthy, said that Frank, only a small child, was much smarter than his age. Frank was very similar to Lady Alia, a character in Dune. They both had the mind of an adult in a child’s body (Dunenovels). Herbert did not immediately become a writer, but started work in journalism. He lied about his age to work for the Glendale Star in 1939. He put his writing career on hold and joined the United States navy during World War II. He married Flora Parkinson in 1941 and divorced in 1945. Herbert fathered one daughter from this marriage (Wikipedia). After the war, Herbert met a young woman named Beverly Ann Stuart in a creative writing class at the University of Washington. Frank’s son, Brian, once said that Frank did not graduate from college because he did not want to take all of the required courses. He only wanted to take the classes that interested him. Herbert and Beverly, his fu... The merging of various themes and cultures is part of what has made Dune so popular.The novel has been translated into more than twenty different languages and is constantly being reprinted. The many influences of Dune, including the Arabic words, the Islamic culture, and real ecological problems helped shape Dune into a timeless classic. Works Cited Herbert, Frank. Dune City of publication: Publisher, publication date DuneNovels. 10 Sep. 2004. 12 Sep. 2004 . Wikipedia. 12 Sep. 2004 . O’Reilley, Tim. Frank Herbert. Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., Inc, 1981. Islamic Themes in Frank Herbert’s Dune. 12 Sep. 2004 . Sparknotes: Dune by Frank Herbert. Barnes & Noble12 Sep. 2004 .

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Mathematics of Bubbles in Beer :: Math Carbonation

Refraction Refraction is what happens to light when it passes from one medium to another. For example, things appear differently from the bottom of a swimming pool than on the top. Simplistically, refraction is the bending of light. The explanation for this phenomenon, however, can be described with light as rays and light as waves. No matter the case, it is important to remember that the speed of light is constant in every homogeneous medium, regardless of shape, size or form. The index of refraction Light travels ( in certain substances ) at a fraction of the velocity if it travelled in a vacuum. The index of refraction is the inverse of this fraction. Thus, this number is greater than or equal to 1. This index is also specific to light, so different light in different mediums have different indices. For example, here is a table of indices: Material Index Vacuum 1.00000 Air at STP 1.00029 Ice 1.31 Water at 20 C 1.33 Acetone 1.36 Ethyl alcohol 1.36 Sugar solution(30%) 1.38 Diamond 2.417 So let's observe the effect of refraction in terms of rays. A ray strikes the surface between substance I and substance R. The angle i between the incoming ray and the normal vector at the boundary is called the angle of incidence, and the angle r between the refracted ray and the normal vector on the opposite side is called the angle of refraction. This is related in the following law, called Snell's Law: ni sin i = nr sin r. For red light in air hitting water this gives sin r = sin i/1.33 Solving for Snell's Law for r gives the relation r = arcsin (sin i/n) Explicit Calculation In simple ray tracing, a ray originates at a point P at a directional vector v, which is of unit length. This is the set of all points P+tv where t is a non-negative scalar. When the ray hits the boundary between two different substances, it will refract, and begin a new ray. The Mathematics of Bubbles in Beer :: Math Carbonation Refraction Refraction is what happens to light when it passes from one medium to another. For example, things appear differently from the bottom of a swimming pool than on the top. Simplistically, refraction is the bending of light. The explanation for this phenomenon, however, can be described with light as rays and light as waves. No matter the case, it is important to remember that the speed of light is constant in every homogeneous medium, regardless of shape, size or form. The index of refraction Light travels ( in certain substances ) at a fraction of the velocity if it travelled in a vacuum. The index of refraction is the inverse of this fraction. Thus, this number is greater than or equal to 1. This index is also specific to light, so different light in different mediums have different indices. For example, here is a table of indices: Material Index Vacuum 1.00000 Air at STP 1.00029 Ice 1.31 Water at 20 C 1.33 Acetone 1.36 Ethyl alcohol 1.36 Sugar solution(30%) 1.38 Diamond 2.417 So let's observe the effect of refraction in terms of rays. A ray strikes the surface between substance I and substance R. The angle i between the incoming ray and the normal vector at the boundary is called the angle of incidence, and the angle r between the refracted ray and the normal vector on the opposite side is called the angle of refraction. This is related in the following law, called Snell's Law: ni sin i = nr sin r. For red light in air hitting water this gives sin r = sin i/1.33 Solving for Snell's Law for r gives the relation r = arcsin (sin i/n) Explicit Calculation In simple ray tracing, a ray originates at a point P at a directional vector v, which is of unit length. This is the set of all points P+tv where t is a non-negative scalar. When the ray hits the boundary between two different substances, it will refract, and begin a new ray.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Database Design

5. 1:DEFINITION OF DATABASE A database is a shared collection of interrelated data designed to meet the varied information needs an organization. A database has two important properties that it is integrated that it is shared. 5. 2: IMPORTANCE OF DATABASE The data resources of organization and its management are very important. The recognition by management that data or information is indeed a resource is a recent development. Information, which in essence is analysis and synthesis of data, will unquestionably be one of the most vital of corporate resources. It will be structured into models for planning and decision-making.It will integrate into product design and marketing methods. In other words information will be recognized and treated as an assets. By integrated mean that previously distinct data files have been logically organized to eliminate redundancy and the facilitate data access. By shared mean that all authorized users in the organization have access to the same data to use for variety of other activities. 5. 3: BENEFITS OF THE DATABASE APPROACH The database approach offers number of important advantages. 5. 3. 1:Minimal Data Redundancy There is not as much storing of multiple copies of the data as in manual system.Database Management System and DataIt is designed into the system improve performance and the system is aware of the redundancy. 5. 3. 2:Consistency of Data By eliminating or controlling redundancy in the database approach, it greatly reduce the approach, it greatly reduce the opportunities for inconsistency. When controlled redundancy is permitted in the database, the database system itself should enforce consistency by updating each occurrence of data item when change occurs. 5. 3. 3:Integration of Data Database data are organized into a single logical structure with logical relationship defined between associated data entities.In this way user can easily relate one item of data to another related item. 5. 3. 4:Sharing of Data A datab ase in intended to be share by authorized users in the organization. Most database system today permits multiple users to share a database co-currently; each functional department can access this data by using their own views of that database. 5. 3. 5:Enforcement of Standard Establishing the data administration function is an important role in the database approach. This organizational function has authority for defining and enforcing data standards.The database administrator will approve all data names, formats and data usage throughout the organization. 5. 3. 6:Data Accessibility & Data Responsiveness A database system provides multiple retrieval paths to each item of data giving a much greater flexibility in locating and retrieving data to user. 5. 3. 7:Reduced Program Maintenance A database system data are independent of the application programs that use them within limits. Either the data or the application programs that use the data can be hanged without necessitating a change in other factor. As a result program maintenance can be significantly reduced in a database environment.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Research opportunity Essay

1.This assignment gives you the chance to research current issues in cyber forensics affecting the ICT industry, forensic examiners, and the legal fraternity. Using sound research strategies to locate quality academic, scientific and legal research material the assignment is intended to provide you with the opportunity to: a)Refine research and analysis skills through locating, selecting and compiling a higher-level research essay. b)Familiarise yourself with new development in cyber forensics that will affect the working and private environments of all technology users. c)Add to the general knowledge of the School of IT’s research and preparation of future unit offerings and potential research topics for student projects and post-graduate research. 2.You are, in effect, my team of researchers undertaking some relevant research of benefit to your own learning experience and future employment and research. 3.Your essay should focus on the following topics that are considered of growing significance: analysis, validation and presentation of digital evidence in cyber forensics examinations. Your research must be based on published research papers, government and other organisation standards, guidelines and papers. It should describe, explain and discuss the following issues: -Deductive, inductive and abductive reasoning in the context of cyber forensics analysis. -Processes that assist in developing a case hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. -Validation processes that check and test the correctness of the digital evidence exhibits and their relationships with  corroborating evidence relied on in legal cases. -Processes that would enhance the communication of and presentation of case analysis to the legal practitioner and courts. 5.You will be given instruction in the workshops on the format of a research essay and video material will be added during the teaching to assist your assignment preparation. 6.The length of the essay should be 3,500 words.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Dialectical Journal Essay

Historical Context: First published in England in December 1884 and in the United States in February 1885. Naturalism (c. 1865-1900) A literary movement that used detailed realism to suggest that social conditions, heredity, and environment had unavoidable force in shaping human character. Protagonist: Huckleberry Finn was young boy in the late nineteenth century coming of age. He viewed is surroundings practically and logically without judgments. His socially simple-minded self gives the novel a satirical humor. Antagonist: The rules and laws of Society in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn makes Huck think it’s ways of life are the right way and when he doesn’t follow them he is doing wrong. By doing so Huck declares himself a traitor and villain, and says if this is wrong then I will go to hell for it because I think it is right. Huck follows his conscience and what he thinks is right by lying, cheating, and stealing throughout the novel. Plot Summary: Huck Finn has been adopted by the Widow Douglas, who lives with her sister, Miss Watson. Both of the women try to â€Å"sivilize† him by sending him to church and school and teaching him cleanliness and manners. Huck’s drunken father Pap returns to town demanding Huck’s money. Judge Thatcher and the Widow try to get legal custody of Huck. Pap kidnaps Huck and keeps him in a cabin across the Mississippi River form St. Petersburg, Missouri. When Pap leaves the cabin he locks Huck in and beats him when he returns drunk. Huck escapes Pap and the cabin by faking his own death. He hides on Jackson’s Island in the middle of the Mississippi River. Huck runs into Jim, Miss Watson’s slave in the woods and they stay together. Huck and Jim find a raft and house floating down the river. A dead body is in the house but Jim refuses to let Huck see the man’s face. They start downriver in the raft and run into con artist, slave capturers, and many other situations. Jim is sold, Tom and Huck try to get him back, and Huck finds out Pap is dead. Huck decides to go West. Themes Racism and Slavery Conflict between civilization and â€Å"natural life† Symbols The Mississippi River in the novel represents freedom because as Huck and Jim travel alone on their raft, they have no one to answer to but each other. The river can also symbolize the delights and dangers of life because Huck and Jim also encounter evils from people of the towns along the river. The fog as Huck and Jim travel along the Mississippi represent the complex problems that make it difficult to achieve life’s goals. Motifs Childhood: Huck’s childhood excuses him from some of his actions throughout the novel. In some cases he tends to know right from wrong more than the adults in the novel do even though he lacks the guidance that a family and community should have provided. Lies and Cons: Throughout the novel Huck lies and cons many people. He soon realizes that lying can be good, depending on its purpose. Huck also realizes that some things he has learned contradict what is right. Superstitions and Folk Beliefs: Jim tells Huck many superstitions and folktales. At first they seem crazy but end up having some basis of reality. Jim’s superstitions serve as a different view of social teachings and assumptions that provide a reminder that mainstream is not always right. Point of View: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is in first person as Huck narrates the novel. Structure: The plot of the story flows around bends, through darkness and fog, and into bright sunlight just like the Mississippi River itself. The novel is full of surprises and stories that brings the character’s values to light for the reader. â€Å"The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways; and so when I couldn’t stand it no longer I lit out. I got into my old rags and my sugar-hogshead again, and was free and satisfied. But Tom Sawyer he hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers, and I might join if I would go back to the widow and be respectable. So I went back. † (Twain 5)| In this quote from the first page of the book Huck describes what has happened since The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He introduces his opposition of the Widow Douglas â€Å"sivilizing† him. He is a young boy who wants his freedom, which may seem normal for a boy his age, but we soon realize this opposition is based on observations of the society in which he lives. This quote is important because it gives you the basis for Huck’s reason of wanting his freedom and why he wants to leave and be on his own. It also shows why Huck lies throughout the novel. Huck doesn’t agree with the ideas that society views as â€Å"right†, which causes him to decide whether to do the â€Å"wrong† things when he listens to what his conscience says, or do society’s â€Å"right† things. This is important because it influences his decisions he makes on his adventures as he travels down the Mississippi River and encounters many people of the towns along the river banks. This quote is important for the reader because it gives us background information before the story begins to understand what has and is occurring. It also gives the reader insight to Huck’s attitude towards his life and society. | â€Å"Pap he hadn’t been seen for more than a year, and that was comfortable for me; I didn’t want to see him no more. He used to always whale me when he was sober and could get his hands on me; though I used to take to the woods most of the time when he was around. †(Twain 14)â€Å"I borrowed three dollars form Judge Thatcher, and Pap took it and got drunk and went-a-blowing around and cussing and whooping and carrying on† (Twain 23)| This quote shows that Huck’s father would leave town for long periods of time often and he was used to it. He used to beat Huck, when he would come home. Huck didn’t like his father and was fine with not seeing him. He would go in the woods when Pap came to town to stay away from him to refrain from the beatings. This explains why the Widow Doulgas adopted Huck because he needed someone to care for him and teach him the â€Å"right† as he grows into a young man. This helps the reader understands why Huck acts the way he does when his father later appears back in town. Huck gives his father money to get him to go away and go get drunk like he always does. Huck also could not want his father around because his actions are very embarrassing. I would be embarrassed if my parents were alcoholics and went around town causing trouble and being obnoxious. I think Pap’s â€Å"blowing around and cussing and whooping and carrying on† is annoying because he does this when he comes to town and gets drunk. â€Å"When we was ready to shove off we was a quarter of a mile below the island, and it was pretty broad day; so I made Jim lay down in the canoe and cover up with a quilt, because if he set up people could tell he was a nigger a good ways off. † (Twain 49)| In this quote I realize Huck does see a big difference between his white skin and Jim’s black skin by making him lay down in the canoe so he won’t be seen from far off. I didn’t understand how people would be able to tell the difference between Huck and Jim’s skin color far off. I also don’t understand if Huck didn’t agree with slavery and racism why he would care if the people saw Jim with him in the raft. Maybe Huck hid Jim because he didn’t want anyone to know they were on the island? I don’t think Jim would’ve been seen from far away. If Huck was so worried about him being seen then they shouldn’t be traveling in the daylight. | â€Å"I hadn’t had a bite to eat since yesterday, so Jim he got out some corn-dodgers and buttermilk, and pork and cabbage and greens-there ain’t nothing in the world so good when it’s cooked right-and whilst I eat my supper we talked and had a good time†¦. We said there warn’t no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don’t. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft. (Twain 107)| I noticed Huck and Jim actually like being in the raft on the river. The raft symbolizes the freedom they both want. On the raft, they are able to be themselves and not worry about others judging them or telling them what to do. They say everywhere else they’ve been â€Å"seems so cramped and smothery†. I think they feel this way because everywhere else they have to conform to society. For example when the Widow Douglas made Huck wear nice clothes and go to school and church because everyone else did it and society thought that was the â€Å"rig ht† way. Also, Jim was a slave to Miss Watson and had to follow her orders because he was black and that’s what he was expected to do. Huck and Jim’s relationship is interesting to me now because they both agree that the raft is home and society would never let this occur if they knew about it. I think the freedom of the raft added to the enjoyment of their simple dinner of cornbread and greens. â€Å"It didn’t take me long, though, to make up my mind that these liars warn’t no kings nor dukes at all, but just low-down humbugs and frauds. But never said nothing, never let on; it’s the best way; then you don’t have no quarrels, and don’t get into no trouble. If they wanted us to call them kings and dukes, I had no objections, long as it would keep peace in the family; and it warn’t no use to tell Jim so I didn’t tell him. If I had never learnt nothing else out of pap, I learnt that the best wat to get along with this kind of people is to let them have their own  way† (Twain 115). I noticed that Huck is beginning to learn how to stay out of trouble. He also shows he wants to stay out of trouble. He doesn’t say something to the cons because Jim told him not to, its because he is realizing the ways of society. I think he figures I’ve already faked my death and I have a black with me causing a fight with them could get him and him caught and sent back to St. Petersburg. They don’t want to go back to St. Petersburg because they have no freedom there like they have on the raft. I really like that Huck didn’t say anything because it demonstrates that since he has left St. Petersburg and been living on his own with Jim he has matured. When Huck makes the decision to keep his mouth closed about the con artist not being dukes, I think he thought about the well-being of Jim and how causing a fight with them could make Jim a slave again. I noticed Huck recognizes by saying he taught him to let con artist of people get their way. I thought this was ironic of him to give his father the recognition of actually teaching him something when he was always drunk and beating him. | â€Å"I was a trembling, because I’d got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself: â€Å"All right, then, I’ll go to hell†-and tore it up. It was awful thoughts, and awful words, but they was said. And I let them stay said; and never thought no more about reforming. I shoved the whole thing out my head; and said I would take up wickedness again, which was in my line, being brung up to it, and the other warn’t. And for a starter, I would go to work and steal Jim out of slavery again; and if I could think up anything worse, I would do that, too; because as long as I was in, and in for good, I might as well go the whole hog. †(Twain 195)| Huck decides he is going to do the â€Å"wrong† thin g and free Jim from slavery again. Huck says again, because he thinks not turning Jim back in when he first found him in the woods was freeing him from slavery. Id don’t think Huck freed Jim form slavery. Jim escaped Miss Watson, on his own, Huck just so happened to find him in the woods an didn’t turn him in. Back then Huck didn’t think it was right for Jim to be a slave and he still doesn’t agree with it. Since society has taught Huck that slavery is the â€Å"right† way, he condemns himself to hell even though he is not doing the â€Å"wrong† thing. This is my favorite quote because it displays Huck character growth. It shows he has grown into his own person and doesn’t conform to the ways of society when he feels they are wrong. This shows Huck has matured since he began his embark down the Mississippi River. This quote is a little humorous to me because Huck basically says if going to do badly, I might as well be totally bad. Even though Huck isn’t doing the â€Å"wrong† thing by freeing Jim, I like that he is conscience there is a right and wrong.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Banner Advertisement

The constant development of product in the market and the continuous innovation of technology have required or opened a new opportunity for the marketers to advertise their products to the target consumers. Today, the convenience of technology is being used not only for learning and entertainment, but also for selling products in the market. Today, banner advertisement or sometimes called as ‘web banner’ is one of the most effective ways of reaching the customers anywhere in the world.Just like other forms of marketing channels, banner ad has the ability to influence the consumers’ behavior and persuade them to buy the products that the society can see on the internet. However, the sudden decision of the customers to buy the product after seeing it on screen makes banner ad most effective among other marketing communications. Unquestionably, E-commerce is one of the products of technology. The evolution of technology has influenced the marketers as well as the con sumers to find other ways of selling and purchasing.Nowadays, online marketing has been the most efficient way for the marketers in reaching their consumers and even the potential customers of the products that are being offered in the market. Effective E-Marketing Campaign Effective online marketing does not depend on the appearance of the banner ad on the internet. Although e-commerce is efficient because it has the capability of reaching the market at any given time does not mean that the marketers should disregard the other important factors of marketing.Proper evaluation and marketing research are also done in order to have a successful business and appropriate profit at the same time. Thousands of products are already advertised online and many of them have succeeded in gaining customers awareness and loyalty and are even able to expand the business by targeting more markets and penetrating more countries. However, the convenience of using the internet for marketing requires g ood concepts with appealing and persuading effects to the buyers.In other words, functionality and design are both important in online marketing, but the strategies should still be present in order to reach the expectation of the company. Even though banner ads have been accepted in the society today, the company should still consider other factors that may affect the products, the consumers’ behavior, and the company itself. Some people prefer online shopping, some rarely browse the net to search for the product that could be bought in the market, and some are just being influenced by the appearance of the web banner.Consumers’ behaviors are not being considered only by the large manufacturers; in fact, online marketing can also be risky because the business firms may not be able to reach the expectation of other segments in the market. Creativity in making web banners is important in getting the attention of the online shoppers. Some of the banner ads are too colorfu l and filled with animation while some appeared to be very simple. The design of the banner ads may be based on the product category or company’s technique in attracting the potential buyers.As marketers, observing the banner ads of other products online may give them an idea on how are they going to execute the web banner of their products. It does not mean imitating the concepts of other companies, rather getting an idea on which banner ads have the most effective online campaign and which ads did not attract their attention while browsing the net. It is also necessary that the company knows what message they would like to convey to the online shoppers. The banner ads should contain not only the image of the product but also the significance and the brand’s unique selling proposition to get the attention of the market.Controlling the file size should also be considered by the online marketers in creating the web banners. Online campaign should consider the functional ity of technology in advertising their products. Some banner ads do not reach the anticipation of the marketers because they fail in the market. In other words, the web banners are often ineffective regardless of its good colors and animation. Huge banner ad does not guarantee a successful business for the company. Sometimes bigger ads have the bigger problems in appearing online because of its file size and loaded graphics and design (King, 2009). Efficiency of Banner AdsMany companies have already reached a high level of success in the marketplace with the help of e-commerce. While some companies were able to expand their businesses, some on the other hand have failed despite the excellent promises of online marketing. Undeniably, marketing is another great opportunity for the companies in the market. Aside from having the opportunity to gain an appropriate market share, they are able to work with technology and conform to societal changes at the same time. This new technique of a dvertising is now considered as most efficient and least costly marketing communication.The accessibility of computer has created a positive impact to both marketers and consumers. With each click, the marketers are able to gain profit and the consumers are able to shop without taking up too much time and effort. The flexibility of internet is an advantage for business transactions making the cycle of marketing easier and faster. Aside from having the order in just few clicks, the company is also able to measure the effectiveness of their online campaign. Through this technique, marketers may improve the banner ads or replace them if the company noticed that it is no longer effective ( The images of banner ad on the net help the company in gaining brand recognition from the consumers. The web banner has the ability to leave a trademark on the consumers’ minds and even encourage the customers to buy the product that is being advertised. Although banner ads can give the customers only limited information, many marketers and consumers are still relying on its efficiency (Warren, 2009). On the other hand, a web banner still promises great opportunities of product growth and business expansion. References King, J. (2009). 10 Tips for Creating an Effective Banner Ad Campaign.Microsoft Small Business Centre. Retrieved February 17, 2009, from http://www. microsoft. com/australia/smallbusiness/themes/sales-and-marketing/10_tips_for_creating_an_effective_banner_ad_campaign. mspx Superpages. com. (2007). Advantages of Online Marketing. Retrieved February 17, 2009, from http://advertising. superpages. com/learning/advantages-of-online-marketing. shtml Warren, S. (2009). Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Marketing. Ezine Articles. Retrieved February 17, 2009, from http://ezinearticles. com/? Advantages-Disadvantages-Of-Inte

Friday, September 13, 2019

Attitudes Against Homosexual Women in Rural Areas

Attitudes Against Homosexual Women in Rural Areas Issues in Sexuality Coming out and living as lesbians and gay men in regional and rural areas (Peer-Reviewed) Hypothesis The attitudes and perspectives about homosexuality in Western society have undergone through periods of both tolerance/acceptance as well as periods in which gay men and lesbians were looked down upon or even prosecuted. This paper tests the hypothesis that the negative attitudes against women are exacerbated in rural areas (Gottschalk., 2008). Data collection The study was mainly conducted through questionnaires and interviews. Profile of Group Researched The respondents in the study were recruited at random from lesbian and gay social groups. However, since a concise demographic profile of the gay men and lesbian population did not exist in some regions in Victoria, this research cannot claim to be representative to all homosexual persons in this region (Gottschalk., 2008). Table 1 Age of Respondents at time of study Women Men Age n = 55 % n = 40 % Less than 20 2 3.6 5 12.9 20 to 24 7 12.6 7 17.9 25 to 34 14 25.4 9 23.1 35 to 44 22 40.2 16 41.0 45 to 54 8 14.6 0 0 55 or older 2 3.6 2 5.1 Missing value 1 Results Table 2 The age of first realization of same-sex attraction Age Women % Men % Less than 10 16.4 23.1 10 to 14 29.1 35.9 15 to 19 29.1 33.3 20 to 24 3.6 0 25 to 34 12.7 5.1 35 to 44 5.5 2.6 45 to 54 3.6 0 55 or older 0 0 According to the table 2 above, it was found that while more women than men formed their sexual identity during the adult stages, more men than women identified themselves as homosexuals at a younger age. Table 3 Marital Status Women Men Marital status n = 55 % n = 40 % Never married 28 50.9 32 82.1 Currently married 4 7.3 4 10.2 previously married 23 41.8 3 7.7 Missing value 1 It was found that 41.8% of lesbians had been married previously compared to 7.7% of men. Table 4: Current Relationship status Women Men    n % N=39 % Not in a relationship at present 20 36.4 23 59.0 In a relationship with a woman 34 61.8 0 0 In a relationship with a man 1 1.8 16 41.0 The study found that 61.8% of women were currently in a relationship as compared to only 41% of men. It was also found that findi ng partners in rural areas was more difficult compared to urban areas (Gottschalk., 2008). Interpretation and conclusion The study shows that both young people as well as those who form their homosexual identities during adulthood do so in a stigmatized social environment. It confirms that gay men and lesbians in rural regions face more challenges as compared to those living in urban areas. The respondents in the study agree that what is deemed as absence of services and support in rural areas has made embracing a gay or lesbian lifestyle more difficult. This is due to the higher rate of hostility, discrimination, and social stigma combined with negative stereotypes (Gottschalk., 2008). Homophobic? Maybe You are Gay (Popular Media) Hypothesis In an article published by the New York Times in April 2012, the question is raised as to why public figures so often in the frontline of anti-gay rights campaigns are found in same-sex partner scandals. The article generally proposes that when homosexual urges are repressed due to fear or shame, these urges can manifest themselves as homophobia. This process is known as ‘reaction formation.’ This refers to the fight with one’s external environment against feelings that have been inwardly repressed. The articles hypothesis is quite compelling, even offering an example Ted Haggard, a well-known evangelist who advocated against homosexuality and termed it a sin. During his apology speech for his involvement in homosexuality he admitted that he advocated so strongly against homosexuality so fiercely partially due to his struggle with it (Ryan & Ryan, 2012).

The expectations of English colonists in Chesapeake and New England Essay

The expectations of English colonists in Chesapeake and New England - Essay Example Immediately after entering in 1607 the muddy outposts the English colonists referred to as Jamestown, Smith observed the inappropriateness of the orders given by the pioneers of the colony with the pressures of survival and endurance on the Anglo-American border. The Native American lands which the British colonists inhabited had corn, while the settlers gave in quickly to diseases as the quantity of their foods declined. Smith eventually initiated a strategy of threats and forced trade. In a matter of weeks Smith had forced from the chiefdom of Powhatan large quantities of corn. As Smith paraded all over the Chesapeake, he became a vicious onlooker of the Algonquian tribes he wanted to conquer. Already fascinated in the richness of human cultures, prior to his entrance to Virginia he had stumbled upon a diversity of peoples in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. The biographers of Smith claim that his encounters with different human cultures put him in a good position to understand Indian culture and the native people than any other of his contemporaries. Hence, this essay will use the perspective of Captain John Smith to discuss the initial expectations of the English colonists with Chesapeake and New England and how they lived among the Native American Indians.... The forcefulness of the English border population devastated as well as the agenda of George Thorpe to acculturate and civilize the Powhatan Indians into a Christian and English New World realm. The demands of the border population generated the 1622 Indian rebellion, which hampered the development of the colony, sped up the collapse of the Virginia Company of London, and compelled elites to reject any idea of humanitarian Indian strategy. In defending the missionary attempts, the pioneers of the company dealt with the issue of the right of Englishmen to Indian lands. Some English scholars compared the Native American Indians to wild beasts who do not know private ownership. A report of the Virginia Company claimed that it is not illegal or immoral to take over the land of the Indians and inhabit them because there is no other reasonable alternative to discuss this matter with the natives but through coercion. The Virginia Company never reached, nor did it try, an ultimate resolution to the issue of aboriginal title. Only invasion, the pioneers argued, could not rationalize occupation of the Indian soil. Rather, the Company was predisposed to consider English occupation as an ‘irreversible deed’ and to defend its continuance on the basis that the Indians would give in to Christianity and dealt with compassionately. The process of conversion could, and ought to be, diplomatic. While the Spaniards invaded the West Indies with bloodshed and brutality, the English would employ humane and benevolent means, appropriate to the natural character of the English. An expectation that the Indians would willingly dispose of their own cultural

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Research Paper Example e character and behavior of animals (23) The author further describes this type of art and influenced by observation of animals and their behavior under particular circumstances (Art Galleries Switzerland 24). Regardless of the assumption in the similarity between animal characters and real events, Skoglund’s art work is effective and appropriate to communicate to her audience. The art work titled Fox Games displays the exact characteristics of Skoglund. The art work incorporates appropriate color and installation and presentation of the art work. Skoglund uses fox described objects to set the art work into the required plot expectation (1). The fox installations represent the animal itself. She is also able to display the violent nature of foxes by placing different foxes at different position other denoting violence and fighting. Skoglund uses color to enhance audience and art connectivity. Foxes are normally regarded as dangerous animals and color red represents this notion effectively. Hung Liu is a Chinese artist whose most artwork is influenced by her personal experience since her childhood. As a child she had she had to witness many tribulations that affected China including eviction from their homes due to war and political instability (Hallmark 56). Liu studied art and he paid tribute to great artists in China. His acknowledgement of art made her an artistic symbol in China as she got numerous teaching opportunities in universities and colleges (Hallmark 58). She travelled to the United States where she further continued with her artwork and gain global acknowledgement for her presentation and great taste in art. Her art work are based on photography and painting based on ancient Chinese traditions and perception on the society (Art Scene Chinas Par 3). Her presentation of the Chinese tradition in the modern art galleries have gained significant and the influential in the Chinese social circles. In reviewing her 1995 painting titled Customs, Liu uses